How to advertise on Snapchat.
Snapchat has acquired millions of users. From teens, moms, to grandparents; all age groups are using Snapchat daily to stay connected. This attention is still grossly under-priced compared to other advertising methods. Here we are going to explore and give you a step by step guide to advertising on Snapchat.
Let’s start with the most basic question.
What are Snapchat ads?
For those of you who have used Snapchat, you have most likely already seen Snapchat ads. Snapchat ads can be either Single Image /Video, Story Ads, Collection Ads, or a promotional Filter; with the goal of bringing in downloads, website visits, or raising awareness.
Now that we know what types of ads are available let’s get into how to advertise on Snapchat.
How to advertise on Snapchat.
1. Create a Snapchat For Business account.
Before you are able to advertise on Snapchat, you will need a Snapchat For Business account. If you already have a Snapchat for business account, then login to your dashboard.
2. Click on Create Ads in the menu.
Once you are in your Snapchat For Business account, click on the menu tab in the upper right corner. This should open the main menu. In order to advertise on Snapchat, you will need to create an Ad. Click on Create Ads to get started.

3. Choose Instant or Advanced creator.
Snapchat advertising offers a quick Instant Create method which allows you to create an ad in less than 5 minutes and an Advanced Create method. The Advanced Create is going to be the one that we recommend and explore in this article. Instant Create is simple and great for those who simply need a quick add but lacks many of the great features that come with the Advanced Create method. If you want to try Instant Create the steps will be similar, just simpler. Choose your either Instant Create or Advanced Create. We are going with Advanced Create in this tutorial on how to advertise on Snapchat.

4. Select your campaign objective.
If you chose Instant Create, you will only have three options: Website Visits, App Installs, App Visits. The Advanced Create will give you more options. Choose the objective that best fits your Snapchat advertising goals.

5. Choose your campaign spend, dates, and name.
Scroll down and Name your Snapchat advertising campaign. Then, choose your Start and End dates. If you want it to Run Indefinitely, you can choose this options. You will just have to go to your dashboard to stop or cancel the campaign. Set your Daily Spend Cap which is the amount that you spend each day and then set your Lifetime Spend Cap; this is the total amount that you will spend on your Snapchat Advertising Campaign.

6. Select Snapchat Ad type.
Snapchat has four advertising options. You can create a Single Image/Video, Sotry Ad, Collection Ad, or Filter. Story Ads will show up on the story page. Collection Ads are basically shopping ads designed for Snapchat. Filters are sponsored Filters with in a chosen location. I recommend exploring Snapchat as a user and getting Ad ideas from those who are advertising on the platform. Once you chosen your Snapchat ad type, choose either automatic placement or your own placement.

7. Choose your location and Demographic.
Scroll down and choose your Location and Demographic. Snapchat allows your to specify your location by either entering a location or excluding locations. You can also use the Map tool in order to draw a location out if your location is more specific. Once you have chosen the location, you will then choose your audience. You can select the estimated ages, genders, languages, and more. If you have regulated content, then set an age restriction by checking the option.

Snapchat allows you to define your audiences interest, device type, and carriers. Make sure that you select the audience that best matches your goal. The operating device options is great for those who might be selling an app that is only on Androad or iOS. Choosing the connection type might be important if you want them to scroll through a catalog. From our experience Wifi users will spend more time on your ad. This is only our experience and not a statistic on Snapchat.

9. Set your pricing.
The next step is to set your Budget, Start & End dates, Goal, and Bid type. If you switch from Auto Bid to Max Bid, then your ad will show first; however you will burn through your budget quicker. Once you have set the Deliver method of your app, it will be time to design your Snapchat ad.

10. Design your Snapchat Ad.
Now that all of your Snapchat Advertising Campaign settings are chosen, it is time to design your Snapchat Ad. This is best done by clicking on Create. Once you click on Create, you will be brought to an easy Ad builder with lots of templates. Choose your template, upload your graphics and it is that simple. You are almost ready to advertise on Snapchat.

11. Review and Pay.
Now all you have to do is review your Snapchat advertising campaign, enter your payment information, and submit. Congratulations! You are now advertising on Snapchat!

Want to make your Snapchat advertising campaign more successful? Ping us a message on the chat or visit The Remote Firm for more information.
Justin Palmer is Founder and CEO of The Remote Firm