How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

If you have traveled in the twenty-first century, chances are you have heard about TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor is a platform that allows travelers to search for and book travel accommodations. Millions of people each year search TripAdvisor for reviews, recommendations, and booking their travel accommodations. Listing your company on TripAdvisor is free and a great way to get your business in front of new customers. Here is how to add and claim your business on TripAdvisor.

1. Go to TripAdvisor and click on Owners at the bottom.

To claim or add your business to TripAdvisor you first need to navigate to their owners portal. Do this by scrolling to the bottom of the main page and clicking Owners.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

2. Search for your business.

This will bring you to a search page. Enter your location and business name. If your business comes up, then click on Claim this business. TripAdvisor will then give you options such as Facebook to verify ownership. Once you verify ownership, you will then be directed to the dashboard. If your business doesn’t come up, then you can click on add a business which will come up underneath the search.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

3. Select your business type.

If you are adding a completely new business listing to TripAdvisor, then you will be asked to select your business type. Make sure that you choose the right one.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

4. Enter your information and business information.

The next step is to add your information and all of your business information. Once you have entered your business information, TripAdvisor will review your request and verify your ownership. Once you have been approved, you will have access to TripAdvisors dashboard for business owners and access to other paid options.

How to add and claim your TripAdvisor listing.

Justin Palmer is Founder and CEO of The Remote Firm

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