Google My Business Reviews.
Millions of users search on Google and ask Google assistant for directions, places to eat, and more. Many of these business searches will bring up Google Listings that match their results. Google Listings are derived from Google My Business and also organically created.
Google Listings are business listings that show up in either the right side of a search or in the middle of the search. These listings provide a quick and easy way for consumers to find the answers that they are looking for without leaving the search results.
Google Listings Include
- Website
- Address (Directions)
- Rating and Reviews
- Description
- Hours
- Menu or Catalog link
- Contact Information
- Photos
- Analytics such as popular times
- More depending on the listing
If there are multiple listings for a search, then this Google Listing will include all of the listings that match your criteria. You will also be able to sort your Google My Business listings by Rating, Category Options, Price, Hours, and Your Past Visits. The factors that consumers look at most often are the ratings and reviews. Consumers will click on and view the bad ratings and the top ratings before making a decision. While consumers are becoming more informed, it is a double edged sword for businesses. Reviews help businesses grow by allowing them to fix what they are doing wrong and advertise what they are doing right.
Reviews can be very bad if they are not monitored or taken care off. If a business has not Claimed Their Google My Business account, then their bad reviews can sit. Just like we say with websites; your business listing is either making your money or costing you money. A slew of bad reviews that aren’t taken care of can drive more customers away.
Why do you need Google My Business Reviews?
Endless studies have proven that consumers are more likely to choose a business with reviews, particularity four-stars or above.
Having many reviews boosts your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and will help you rank higher on Google. Google has many factors that affect your SEO and Reviews is one of the big ones. By getting more reviews on your Google My Business listing, you are telling Google that people are interested in what you are selling. This will reflect on your website as well. Make sure you connect your website to your Google My Business account. In fact from our experience to rank on top you will need over 7 reviews. Reviews will boost Google trust and consumers trust in your business.
How to get Google My Business Reviews.
Now that we established what they are and why you need them; it’s time to learn the how. Google has some strict rules about drumming up reviews. You cannot bribe customers or trick them in anyway. The most basic way to tell if your review generating process is illegal is to ask one question. Is there incentive? If you are offering an incentive of any kind whether it be a contest, discount, or free stuff; then it is illegal. Illegal methods can get you blocked and banned. The only legal method to get a review is to simply invite without incentive.
1. Collect contact information.
Contact information is valuable today. You should be trying to establish a list of customers information even before they are you customer.Collecting an email can turn a one time blog visit, into a follower.
At some point along the way you should have collected either an email, address, phone number, or other type of contact information. While you can’t provide incentives for reviews, you can provide incentives for collecting contact information. Be sure to always include an opt-in or opt-out option and follow the legal regulations. This contact information is what you will use to invite customers to submit a Googly My Business Review.
2. Send invites using multiple methods.
Remember you cannot offer any kind of incentive for a review. You can only invite people to submit a Google My Business Review. The best method is all methods. Send an email, include it in your newsletter, SMS, on your website, and in your store/whatever business you might own. Some customers never look at their email and some will never click on a text message. The trick is to use all methods of contact to submit your invite. Normally we recommend that you break it up into steps. Here is an example:
Step 1. In store purchase – Cashier says “Thank you for your business! We’d appreciate your review on Google!”
Step 2. Email – Send a follow up email with a thank you and invite them to review your business on Google.
Step 3. SMS – Send a text with a discount code and an invite to review your business. Having steps helps make the review generation more successful. A well thought out process could turn 90% customers into reviewers and help bring in more customers in the long-run.

3. Be timely and make it easy.
The longer you wait, the less likely a customer is to review and the more likely they are to be annoyed. The idea review will take place literally right after the transaction. The people who are quick to review on their own or only extremely satisfied or extremely unhappy. Everybody in-between will need encouragement. Another point is to make it super easy. Google provides direct links to make it easy for customers. The less time it takes a customer to do something, the happier the review will be and the more likely they will be to leave a review. You should provide a direct link to your review page in each invite.
4. Respond to ALL reviews.
This sounds like just another chore, but it is one that pays off immensely. Remember when people used to write ‘thank you’ letters? Responding to a positive review with sincerity can increase your overall customer happiness, and encourage them to return. The same goes for Negative reviews. When responding to negative Google My Business reviews, always be polite. Some people can be just plain nasty and some problems will never be resolved. By leaving a polite and positive message on a negative review, you are showing other potential customers that you do care and that you are listening.
This will go a long way in their eyes and sometimes even turn a bad review into a positive one. The trick is to always be quick and polite no matter what.
5. Remove inappropriate reviews.
Negativity attracts negativity and believe it or not, some people make it a mission. One inappropriate review can scare away customers and attract more inappropriate reviews. We’ve seen this snowball happen and it is full of mud. By clicking on the little report flag next to the bad Google My Business Review, you are able to report it to Google. Google will then determine if the Review has broken any of their guidelines. Do this and do it often, but first make sure that you understand the guidelines. Your online presence revolves around your website, social, and listings. Listings could arguably be the most important as they are often the first thing that consumers find.
To Remove a Review on Google
Click on the Flag next to the inappropriate review.

Enter your email and the Violation Type.

Read Google’s Review Policies.

Justin Palmer is Founder and CEO of The Remote Firm