How to merge Facebook pages.
If you search for your business page on Facebook, chances are you’ll find many pages for your business. Some of these pages are created automatically by Facebook, some by searches, and some by customers, or even sellers. While having many pages might seem like a good idea, it is actually hurtful to your online reputation.
Why you need to merge Facebook pages.
Having multiple pages decreases your ability to manage your online reputation. You might be focused on your claimed page and meanwhile another page could be going viral in a bad way. The three main reasons for merging your Facebook pages are Reviews, Content Wasting, and Trust.
Reviews are essential to your business’s online success. Customers use reviews to determine if they want to purchase from you. The more reviews you have, the more likely a customer is to purchase from you and the better you will rank online. If your reviews are spread among multiple pages, then they are not doing you any good. By merging your pages, you will also merge the reviews onto one page.
By having multiple pages, you are in a way wasting followers. The content that you post on your main page is not being shared, liked, and interacted with by those who are following your other pages. By merging your Facebook pages, you are creating one audience that can see and interact with all of your content.
Multiple pages will appear spammy and can often scare customers away. By merging and removing other pages, you are creating one page that is managed by you. This will build more trust in your customers.
How to merge Facebook Pages.
Here is how to merge Facebook pages.
- Search for you business.
- Click on Pages.
- Click on Unofficial Pages that you want to merge.
- Click on ‘Is this your business?’
- Select ‘Merge into a Verified Page you manage’
1. Search for your business.
Start by typing your business name in the search bar on Facebook and then click on “See all results for [name]”. This will bring up all of the results for your business name.

2. Click on Pages.
In order to view all of the Pages that are using your business, click on the Pages filter at the top. This will bring up all pages that are associated with this name.

3. Click on unofficial pages that you want to merge.
Once you click on Pages, you will see a list of business pages that are associated with this name. Some of them may be for other companies that have a similar name. In most cases, you will see business pages that are for your business but not your official pages. These pages are normally in different categories, and may have some activity on them. Click on the unofficial page that you want to merge with your main page.

4. Click on ‘Is this your business?’
On the page you will be able to see the address and other details. These details will help you decide if this is an unofficial page for your business. If this page is for your business, then click on “Is this your business?”

5. Select ‘Merge into a Verified Page you manage’
In order to Merge a Facebook page, you will need to own a Verified Page for the business. As long as you own a verified page, you can select Merge into a Verified Page you manage. This will allow you to Merge this page with your official page. That’s It! You have officially merged a Facebook page. Repeat this for all other unofficial pages and be sure to check periodical for other pages that may popup.

Justin Palmer is Founder and CEO of The Remote Firm